Transforming Kendall’s Home into a Smart Living Ecosystem

Kendall Kremer, lifestyle blogger and content creator behind Styled Snapshots, and her husband Matthew decided to take their family’s security and convenience to the next level with The O’Dell Group’s integrated smart living solutions.

Our Goal

The goal for Kendall’s smart home project was to ensure the Kremer’s had a secure, and simple haven for their family. Also, transitioning them from a myriad of devices that lack data privacy, to an all-in-one secure Apple HomeKit system they can control from anywhere, whether traveling, out and about, or just lounging in the TV room. 

Scope Of Work: Installing & Programming

Our team of experts worked closely with Kendall over a two week period to design a custom smart home solution that would meet her needs and exceed her expectations as a mom on-the-go with two young boys.

The O’Dell Group installed and optimized nearly 70 state-of-the-art Apple HomeKit smart home devices throughout the home, including door locks, outlets, switches, hubs, HomePods (Apple’s smart speaker), thermostats, and a smart security system including cameras and a doorbell. These replaced her existing camera and doorbell that were scattered throughout the house, as they didn’t sync together like she’d hoped they would. Once her new smart devices were integrated she was able to access everything on her iPhone, within a single, easy-to-use app native to her family's iPad, Mac, HomePod speakers and Apple Watch.

With the new system in place, Kendall can check in on her home from any Apple device, use “Hey Siri” commands to transform the mood, and control her whole home remotely with one command. She can even set up custom schedules for intuitive lighting to make it look like someone's home when she's away.

Custom Scenes: Programmed for The Kremer’s

The smart home integrations at Kendall’s home have not only made Kendall's life more convenient, but it has also given her and her family peace of mind knowing that her home is more secure than ever before. Her smart home is now both secure from data privacy breaches and easy to manage in the Home app on all her Apple devices. Now, Kendall can get back to what she loves and have more time on her hands, with a smart home that is always on her side.

Q&A with the Homeowner, Kendall Kremer:

What technology were you using before you learned about the Apple HomeKit system? 

We were using a Ring Doorbell and Security Cameras.

What was your experience like going from those other platforms to Apple's Home App? What do you think about the user experience compared to your previous devices? 

The user experience is fairly similar, but I love that everything now is located in one place within my iPhone/iPad. It makes navigating and jumping from security to lighting to the lock very quick and easy.

As a mom on-the go, what are you most looking forward to about your new "smart home"? 

As a mom, I am doing a million things at once and always multitasking. It has been so nice to turn on lights hands-free as my kids are always asking to be held or I have arms full of groceries. Also, the other day someone rang our doorbell and needed access into the garage. Previously, I'd have to take my youngest down to the basement with me and open the door that way, but now I could just stand at the front door and open the garage door with a swipe of a button on my phone. In that moment, little "wins" like this make things so much easier. 

What is your favorite automated scene and why? Anything other than the “Dinner time” scene you mentioned in your Instagram post?

“Goodnight”, hands down! I am so exhausted at the end of the night and the last thing I want to do when I go to bed is turn off all the lights, make sure the door is locked and debate in my head if the garage doors are closed. Now, we just say "Hey Siri, Goodnight" and all of those to-do list items magically happen. I can even be in bed and say it to our HomePod speaker upstairs and know everything is safe and sound and taken care of for the night. Now, only if there was a way it would start the dishwasher too! ;)

Was there anything that surprised you about Apple smart home technology? 

Coming from someone that truly isn't very tech savvy, I was surprised by how easy it is to operate. Everything is pretty straightforward on my iPhone/iPad and when talking to Siri via the HomePod. When our parents stayed at our house to watch the boys while we were away, even they could utilize the features without any issues or questions. 

What is your biggest takeaway from the install? Has your lifestyle changed at all, so far?  

Overall, the install has led to more energy conservation, like turning off lights and adjusting the thermostat, also it’s given us the convenience of making remote adjustments. This might sound silly, but before the install we would get lazy and leave lights on when they didn't need to be left on, or forget to adjust the thermostat while out of town. Now with the install, I make an effort to turn lights off when not in use or at the end of the day and adjust the thermostat at night or while away to conserve energy which will save on our bills. The best part is even if we forget before leaving for a trip, we can make these adjustments remotely from our phones. 

Would you recommend this service to other families in the area? What have you enjoyed most about working with The O’Dell Group? 

We have been working with the O'Dell Group before we even officially moved to Connecticut, so well over two years. Their team has always been professional, attentive and realistic when it comes to pricing, timing, etc. My husband and I have recommended The O’Dell Group countless times to people in the area and we continue to add new projects to our home to-do list that we are excited to have them work on!

Kendall Kremer’s home now demonstrates the power of Apple HomeKit smart home technology to enhance their lives and simplify daily routines. If you’re interested in making your home more secure and convenient, The O'Dell Group has the expertise and experience to design and install a custom smart home solution that's right for you. Things are not “one size fits all” at the O’Dell Group; Choose the custom package options that are right for you. 

To learn more about The O’Dell Group’s smart home services, click here to inquire.


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